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Salinas Underground

We tell the story of the city we grew up with by interviewing the people that make it what it is: the business people, the musicians, the scholars, anyone that adds to the culture of Salinas.

Oct 29, 2014

With the recent news of an attempt to build a baseball stadium for a minor-leauge team we sat down and asked what we thought would be an obvious question. Why not soccer? Salinas seems to be a perfect fit for the most popular sport in the world and the fastest growing in the country. What does everyone else think?

Oct 24, 2014

6 months ago we started our journey into the world of podcasting. We have been learning all we can since then to make a better more entertaining show. This week our guest had to reschedule so we made an episode where we talk about our journey and encourage you to begin your own.

Oct 14, 2014

This episode our guests are two volunteers that are helping plan the the Ciclovia Salinas event on November 1st. There are over 50 high school students involved in different phases of the planning process. Vanessa is a senior from Everett Alvarez High School who spoke in great detail about her and the other students...

Oct 9, 2014

No not Monique the comedienne, but Monique from Salinas, the 26 year old Alvarez graduate with a Masters in Poetry. We continue to find the people that make this such a great community to live in and Monique is a true gem for this city. She shares several of her poems with us and if you have spent any time in Salinas...

Oct 7, 2014

We are back at the Cherry Bean on Oldtown Salinas for another night of open mic. Once again random strangers show up to exhibit their talent during the monthly First Fridays Art Walk. Listen and show up next month and be a part of the crowd.