Jul 22, 2023
Caro Perez is a writer, performer, and all around great human being. She has turned a lifelong passion for storytelling and honed it into a unique style that will have you laughing at some of her harrowing life events. She sits down with us to tell us her story from crossing the border to working at a factory so she...
Jul 8, 2023
During WWII, Japan controlled 90% of the world's rubber production, and the United States knew it needed to do something to protect itself in case the supply was cut off. On Dec. 7, 1941, Japan attacked the U.S., and the fear became a reality. With the country quickly using its reserves, the nation turned to an...
Jul 1, 2023
El Kallpa's story starts in Lima, Peru. Somehow he found himself in Monterey County playing music that tells his story and soothes the soul. In this talk, we learn how he ended up here and why music is such an important part of his life. He has an amazing story with stops everywhere, starting in Miami. His current...