Jun 30, 2017
For this Father's Day episode, we set up our equipment on a barrel at Alvarado Street Brewery and tried to look like we were having an intelligent conversation for an hour. Oz talks, again, about Salinas being a great soccer city and wanting to start an indoor soccer team then the story turns into reminiscing...
Jun 21, 2017
In this episode, Oz is growing 6 chili plants and now he thinks he's going to change to world one chili plant at a time. We also talk about one of the advantages of the recent cannabis boom, cheap growing equipment!
Jun 7, 2017
This week, our guests are Lauryn and Adisa from Families of Color. They founded this group a couple of years ago after having trouble finding a bicycling group for their child that had other children that looked like him. It has now expanded into almost weekly events of different kinds that focus on families of...